My network was scheduled be backup choir (in addition to the main choir) for this week's church service. So yesterday, I went for the practice session, which had the biggest turn-out so far, since it was opened to network in September this year. We also had the privilege of having Bobby Michaels join us for this week's worship. Hehe.. still have his cassette at home, which I bought during the SLF days.
I should have known that it's not just purely a dry run of going through the workship songs and it's actions, but making the practice as if it's the live worship itself. We are jumping and prancing around singing to the "I want more, more more" song -- a high energy song. And I think it looked more like a mass aerobic workout session than a praise and worship session. And guess what, I came in my hispter pants without a belt -- big mistake -- I had to pull my pants after each song... how edifying :P And later, we had our arm biceps and triceps training, when we had to lift our arms straight and wave from the right to the left for about 5 minutes or so. This morning, I woke up feeling the aftermath of it. Boy, no need to sign up for any fitness memberships, just join church chorale can liao!
But I must say the presence of the Lord was so strong and everyone was soaked into the praise worship, expressing our joy and worship to the Lord. It's really a privilege stand on the stage to lead the congregation in worship and draw them into the God's presence. As what Pastor Joe Kum says, we are all worship leaders. May God be exalted in our worship.