Monday, September 29, 2008

Formula One - Keep Your Eyes Open and Ears Shut

McLaren Mercedes Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton of Britain
(AP Photo/Oliver Multhaup)

This weekend had been rather busy -- having to rush home just to catch the inaugural 2008 Formula One Singtel Singapore Grand Prix! Not really a F1 fan, but managed to catch a few races on cable TV only on Sundays, when we head down to mum's place.

All the hype and daily news reports leading to the actual race did make me feel excited. Besides ogling at the snapshots of handsome F1 drivers, like Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg, I'm also in awe of the illumintated skyline of Singapore - such a beautiful and spectacular sight.

Somehow, I felt proud of being a Singaporean, being a part of it, hosting the first night race, although exactly contributing to anything at all. I think it's just like how the Chinese nationals felt when they hosted the recent Beijing Olympics 2008.

Check out the Boston.Com website for more spectacular pictures!

The lighted Marina Bay Street Circuit of the Singapore Formula One Grand Prix (REUTERS/Tim Chong)

The city skyline with the illuminated Marina Bay City (AP Photo/Oliver Multhaup)

I wanted to bring the kids down to Cityhall to hear the actual roar of engines and to have a whiff of burnt rubber. However, the thoughts of snuggling up the sofa in the comfort of my own home and after that putting the kids to bed, without having to squeeze with the throngs of people were simply more enticing, especially when you have 2 young kids. Also, they would probably be complaining about the deafening noise. Talking about the deafening noise. Although I wasn't there on site, but I felt abit deaf - YES - even from watching the race at home. I was blasting my TV while watching the final race on Sunday. When I finally managed to chase my kids to hop into bed at 9:30 pm (only after much assurance that Aunty Carol had taped the program on cable TV for them), I then plucked on my Sennheiser earphones and blasted them in my ears again. SHIOK! But I totally agree that nothing beats being on site, soaking in the atmosphere and having the feeling of adrenaline kicking pumping from the heart to the brains. Next year perhaps, I'll try to get my hands on the single day tickets for the practice sessions. Anyone can help me babysit the kids from 25 to 27 September 2009?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Coming to the End of My Youth

There's a Chinese saying that women in her 40's is like a rose. And youth to me (according to Contiki Tours) is between 18 - 35 years old. Sometimes, I really wonder what stage in life am I in now?

Middle Age?

No prize for guessing how old am I?
When I was googling, I found out an interesting fact about Singapore's definition of YOUTH. * chng * chng * chng*

It's between 15-30!

But as compared to my Australian and Hong Konger friends, I'm considered quite lucky to a Singaporean and thus more "youthful" :P

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Oh? It's Val's Birthday Today!

As it was raining that Saturday, dad and mum could not rollerblade, so they invited their gang -Uncle Joe & Aunty Peng to play Nintendo Wii at home. Carol reported that while playing into the wee hours of the morning, dad was suudenly reminded of my birthday, courtesy from Nintendo Wii, of course.

Out of curiosity, I actually went and turn it on to find out for myself. This is what it reads:

Yah, instead got reminded to exercise again ... urgh! Gee but seriously, I must thank Nintendo Wii for such great service, man - for Dad gave me (& all) a birthday treat at Pu Tien Restaurant at Kitchener Rd!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy Teacher's Day

Joel's drawing is a good reminder that we should not only thank the teachers, but also the administrators and helpers - especially the aunties - who prepare food, clean up the school and bathe the kids!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Why Is It Called The Singapore Flyer?

It was Teachers' Day, thus the childcare centre was closed. So we bought the kiddos to the Singapore Flyer on discounted tickets, which I had earlier purchased from the company's union.

And the kiddos asked the toughest question: Why is it called the Singapore Flyer? (Mummy thinking very hard and at the same time wondering why don't they ask their Daddy instead of me. My middle name is not Google, ok?) Mummy trying to act cool and gave them the most logical answer that I could think of. "It is because it makes you feel as if you are flying in the air and you will be able to see the view of Singapore, especially when you reach the top." Let me know if you have a better answer. Anyway with kids, as long you give them an answer, can already!

2008 Formula One Singapore Grand Prix

The Suntec area

Erh... what's the actual name of the place with the floating platform, where we just had our National Day Parade? Marina Padang?

Singapore's Integrated Resort (IR) - Marina Bay Sands

The aerial view of the Singapore Flyer venue ... looks like a heart!

Drawing by Joel.
Did you also recognise the Merlion, Benjamin Sheares Bridge, Singapore Grand Prix race track and the Duck Tour boat?