Here's the conversation this morning.
Here’s a tip on climbing stairs or slope without straining your thigh muscles. Use your hands to lift your butts, so that the effort will be spread out evenly between the upper and lower thigh muscles. This action will even propel one to move forward-and-upward - with ease!
While unpacking my handbag and I came across this BOTOX brochure, which I picked up 2 weeks ago, while waiting to see the doctor. Nothing to do, so pick up something to read mah!
No, no, muah not going for Botox (yet). But I just wanna share this piece of shocking information about becoming/having a square face.
I didn’t know that eating my favourite “jiu hee” will overdevelop muscles in my jawline. Luckily, our government banned chewing gum, if not I sure kanna a right angle 90° face like Spongebob Square Pants!
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