Saturday, December 29, 2007
Mummy, Help!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
I Love Christmas ... (Shopping actually) !
The kids enjoyed themselves most, cos they were showered with presents. And their mummy here too, has enjoyed shopping for presents for the past few days (with permission granted from Gavin, ok) who had kindly agreed to help to babysit the kids, while I shopped to my heart's content.
Did I tell you my dream job (last time lah) is to be a purchaser at some departmental stores or be a professional shopper. Now I wish I have the $$$$$ to set up my very own shop to sell clothes, gifts and anything trendy, except "kar-chung".
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Honour Our Parents

But what I really want to share is -- before encountering this small, but yet faith-building victory of seeing my parents actually coming for my church events, I have been facing a long battle within myself of fear of don’t know what – rejection? paiseh-ness (sometimes don’t know what to say or share really)?. 2007 is a Year of Victory, which God has promised. Pastor shared that in order to have victory, we need to enter into battle. And the one thing that is required of us is to step out in faith. So simple hor, but I tell you it is not -- at least for me. But the most challenging one was the first time that I had to bless my parents aloud and face-to-face during the 100K Blessings in July this year.
Boy, it was tough for me to open my mouth to invite my parents, especially my Dad to come. Perhaps, it's because I simply assumed that I still know my parents well, and in my heart and mind I can already foresee what would his reply and reaction be, and thus, I had a lot of reservations. I probably think too much liao. Anyway then, as the date of the event drew near and we needed to confirm the order of food and gifts, I signed up both my parents in faith.
That night, after blessing my parents once again, I felt that there was a change in our relationship, as if something between us has been removed. I believe this is only the beginning and there are more blessings to come.
Friday, December 21, 2007
My Name is "Blackie"
Talking about feasting, we had our admin lunch at the Straits Kitchen at Hyatt Hotel on Wednesday, 19 December. Lunch was good cos it's buffet serving local hawker delights. And we bump into Aunty Connie who brought her department there too.

Ate too much that afternoon and the new shoes that my mother-in-law gave were biting me, so I decided to have my bi-annual haircut. I hate going to the hairdresser, cos it's a 3-4 hours affair of washing, cutting, rebonding (this time round), colouring, treatment, blow dry and some minor trimming again. It's worst during festive period. I would usually give some excuse about rushing off to fetch my kids and then they'll get 2 helpers to colour and blowing my hair. However, this recent trip to the hairdresser was a nightmare and it broke my record of 4 hours. I sat from 4:30 to 10:00 pm -- a solid 5.5 hours. By 7:30 pm, I still haven't colour my hair and I was so traumatized that I decided to colour my hair all black, so that I need no go back to the hairdressing saloon to have "alps" of my head being touch up for a while. I was getting up from my chair every half an hour to stretch myself. I definitely got pins on my buttocks, cos I can't sit still, which also explains why I enjoy my events job lor.
And guess what is the first sentence that my husband said to me?
Gavin: Wah, so long ah, got buy my KFC burger or not?
Val: Yah, no $ to take cab, cos spent a bomb at the hairdressor liao.
(Ah! Now I finally managed to get his attention.)
Gavin: Oh, how's your haircut? Not much difference leh?
Val: I JUST rebonded my hair and colour my hair black.
Gavin: Oh I see.
Val: Never mind, go and eat your burger.
That night, I think my face was as black as my hair.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Christmas Candy House
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Different Perspectives = Miscommunication

There are many interpretations.
Is it an interpreter issue?
A perspective issue?
The wrong adverbs?
It's a miracle anyone understands anyone.
Words excerpted from http://www.loneprairie.net/
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
2007- A Bountiful Year of Piglets
Mar: Gina (Gila) + Erik = Shayna Seah
Aug: Kristy (Colleague) + James = Kieron Ang
Sep: Jason (Gavin's cousin) + Sally = Isabella Ang
Nov: Connie (Cell group) + Boong Seng = Daniel
Nov: Verene (Colleague) + Jacky = Shirlyn Yow
Nov: Henry (Colleague) + Judy = Kelly Kwan
Nov: Val Hea (Gila) + Jacob = Aaron + Asher Kong (yah, twins!)
Jan: Rebekah (Cell group) + Chin Hsiung = Danielle
Jan: Meiyih (Cell group) + Lip Keong = Matthew
And of course, the hot topic for conversation these days has been baby talk. Which is why, one automatically promote to "aunty" level after giving birth, cos suddenly all our conversation suddenly focus on one thing -- our children. And then it snowballed to bitch about in-laws, maids and even husbands. Hehe.. I'm guilty of that too.
But seriously, sometimes, I wonder what would the single friends amongst us feel, when we keep on blabbering about kids and nothing else. What happen to those good old topics about last night's TV show, the new/interesting experiences, sharing of good tidings, or even the boring current events? I think I need a system to remind myself to zip up, especially among single friends, and try not to end up being sucked into the conversation about children. Please feel free to show me the boring look, or tell me straight off in the face (if I still don't get your hint) to change it from Kids Central channel to Arts Central or even Channel "yoU". I would rather you tell me bluntly, than to loose your friendship.