Tuesday, December 4, 2007

2007- A Bountiful Year of Piglets

This year has been a year of "fruitfulness". Many of my friends are having piglets. I think I have been to more hospital visits this year in comparison to my facials visits.

Mar: Gina (Gila) + Erik = Shayna Seah
Aug: Kristy (Colleague) + James = Kieron Ang
Sep: Jason (Gavin's cousin) + Sally = Isabella Ang
Nov: Connie (Cell group) + Boong Seng = Daniel
Nov: Verene (Colleague) + Jacky = Shirlyn Yow
Nov: Henry (Colleague) + Judy = Kelly Kwan
Nov: Val Hea (Gila) + Jacob = Aaron + Asher Kong (yah, twins!)
Jan: Rebekah (Cell group) + Chin Hsiung = Danielle
Jan: Meiyih (Cell group) + Lip Keong = Matthew

And of course, the hot topic for conversation these days has been baby talk. Which is why, one automatically promote to "aunty" level after giving birth, cos suddenly all our conversation suddenly focus on one thing -- our children. And then it snowballed to bitch about in-laws, maids and even husbands. Hehe.. I'm guilty of that too.

But seriously, sometimes, I wonder what would the single friends amongst us feel, when we keep on blabbering about kids and nothing else. What happen to those good old topics about last night's TV show, the new/interesting experiences, sharing of good tidings, or even the boring current events? I think I need a system to remind myself to zip up, especially among single friends, and try not to end up being sucked into the conversation about children. Please feel free to show me the boring look, or tell me straight off in the face (if I still don't get your hint) to change it from Kids Central channel to Arts Central or even Channel "yoU". I would rather you tell me bluntly, than to loose your friendship.

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