Thursday, November 11, 2010
God is My Mechanic

Monday, October 11, 2010
Waffles and Spaghetti

Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Finally Caught Up with 2008

I think I failed towards the mid of the year when we became short-handed at home with Gavin starting on his new job; and at work with Rina’s absence. Then, there was also the world economic crisis, but our family crises came much earlier. We were much more prepared knowing that we had just survived our family crisis and it will okay and enough. With all these happening so quickly, I find myself running on a threadmill at an even faster pace. Doing the same old routine and concentrating on running and eventually forgetting to turn to the source of power again. It was only until NOW - 31 December that I remember to pause and reflect on my life this past one year and deliberately taking time to pen this down. Should have switched off that exercise machine earlier!!!
As I began to look back, many moments of joy first began to flow back to me, which is left me a sweet lingering taste. Hopefully, I try to erase the hurting ones soon. There are so many other things I want to give thanks for: The smooth transitioning of Joel and Bryan of moving on to the new childcare, Little Skoolhouse. Especially Joel, who used to cry pretty often at the previous school. Now he’s Guy Smiley again.
Bryan & Joel for being just them. Got a few canings here and there, overall, they are pretty good already, especially Bryan who is learning to be more sensible. I think his enrichment class did work for him. He gave Gavin and me $50 each today from his hard-earned savings to thank us for everything. We decided to still take $50 from him to teach him about giving, however, we spent it on their favorite Sakae Sushi instead.
An over-the-causeway trip to Genting Highlands over CNY. It was partially subsidized by a relative, however, we managed to bless her back eventually with some luck at the jackpot during the last hour, when our relatives offered to relieve us from babysitting the kids, while they waited for the tour bus to arrive.
“Gifts and surprises” blessings. Bought my Samsung Omnia at the Singtel Roadshow and won a Sony 32” TV. I also won the first prize of $70 Robinson vouchers, sponsored by my own dad for the lucky draw at our annual family Christmas party!
In celebration of the 10 years of my marriage to Gavin and NUS, God leads me to something I wished and prayed for 10 years ago regarding these 2 areas of my life. I am rather surprised as God remembers everything and just as I was simply being sucked into in my own life and almost forgot about that. I thank God for showing it to me once again and waking me up from my slumber. Hopefully, he can also give me the same energy and fire, as I had 10 years ago. The spirit is willing, however, the flesh is weak.
I started work in NUS in July and married in October of the same year. Both are like my left and right hand. It’s difficult to let go of one or the other. Often keeping them both balanced is hard. Although practice doesn't make it perfect at all, it does help makes things easier.
Our 10 years of marriage is not like the bed of roses as you see now. We just leaned that rose shrubs need space to grow and the depth to allow their roots to develop. We also had cut from the thorns, got sunburnt from toiling under the heat and it takes a constant effort to water and prune them. It also calls for rolling up the sleeves and trousers to uproot the weeds or grass. I read somewhere before that a new rose bush is like a baby, while it requires a lot of love and attention at first, it will grow stronger and more independent with time and you will surely be proud of the results! It takes us both 10 years to mature as a couple and to be more tolerant of each other weaknesses and see our strengths instead. We still quarrel, but lesser petty issues nowadays. We can even joke about us being becoming accustomed to one another, or simply getting old already… haha.
The other love of my life is my work and workplace at ARI, NUS. I still like what I am doing there still. It’s not that I’m loyal and signed life to NUS; or got no aspirations to move on. Besides, knowing what satisfies, motivates, and keeps me going, the most important reason for coming to an office of which many are more than colleagues, but turned friends, as we see each other 8 hours a day and 5 times a week. Many have left ARI, however, many of us are still in touch. A special thanks to these pals whom we had walked closely with and held hands in 2008.
Yati – the one with big listening ears, and someone is who always there when I needed help, since day one when I started work at NUS.
Rina – for being the advisor. Her sensitiveness and resourcefulness always calm me down. Through her, I’ve learned to go slow and not to bulldoze in my work, life and food, but taking time to appreciate the things around me more.
Sharon – for being the new blood, for her initiative, and for allowing me to “boss” her around at times. She has been a great help. She’s also my new drinking pal - actually I’m more the newbie. I must get her to serve me “Blardy (M)ARI” the next time.
Aly - for her understanding and maturity for many things in life, despite her youth. I go to her for my counseling sessions slumping on her comfy couch. She will not hesitate to give me a swift kick-in-the-butt when I’m a bit deranged. A fantastic khaki to share a cab to Wheelock for a cuppa of mocha or sometimes retail therapy to liven up our sour kana moods.
Giving thanks to my spiritual family for their prayers and for showing me about God’s faithfulness and love in each of their testimonies. This year has not been an easy one especially for all, particularly for Rebekah and Eesh. We will continue to trust in His hope and victory, as we journey together.
Last but not least. Thank you God, for Your hands upon my family and my daily work, and for the many learning opportunities. For Your guidance and strength. Your faithfulness and providence. For the peace to know that life will be getting more challenging in the next few years, but you are there with us. May you continue to lead me to a purposeful and meaningful life.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I Cried At My Sons' Graduation

Heart-shape card of thanks.
Dear Mum and Dad, You are special because you help me pay for the things I want. Next time, I will help you pay for the things you want. I will never be selfish again. Mum and Dad, I love you because you care for me. mum and Dad, I will never lose you. Love, Bryan.
Leave-shape card of wishes
Bryan Tan: 1) I wish that my parents will spend time with me more often. 2) I wish they will be together in a happy life.
He simply loves the red cap.
Bryan with Teacher Johanna

Guy smiley is so happy that we were there to catch his performance at his school concert. Although, he is not graduating till he's in K2 next year, however seeing him grown at a tremendous pace and is now able to perform 2 dances for me, makes me wanna tear again. I can't imagine when he graduates next year, I'll probably have to wear my sunnies and bring more tissues.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It's All Worth It!

Guess what? Almost a week later, Singtel called me to inform me that I have won a SONY TV in their "Best Smile Contest". Of course lah, I'm happy with my purchase that day what! But I think one of the main reason is having my whole family join in the picture to fill up the blue background, that's why the picture looks better...hehe!
Other than the lucky jackpot at Genting Highlands this year, which I played for fun during my last hour before heading back to Singapore, so far this is my biggest prize that I have ever win in my life. Seriously, I do hope to win a TV, as the TV at home is a bulky CRT TV, which we had for almost 8-9 years, and I think it's still very reliable that it can last us for another good 5 years.