Saturday, December 29, 2007
Mummy, Help!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
I Love Christmas ... (Shopping actually) !
The kids enjoyed themselves most, cos they were showered with presents. And their mummy here too, has enjoyed shopping for presents for the past few days (with permission granted from Gavin, ok) who had kindly agreed to help to babysit the kids, while I shopped to my heart's content.
Did I tell you my dream job (last time lah) is to be a purchaser at some departmental stores or be a professional shopper. Now I wish I have the $$$$$ to set up my very own shop to sell clothes, gifts and anything trendy, except "kar-chung".
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Honour Our Parents

But what I really want to share is -- before encountering this small, but yet faith-building victory of seeing my parents actually coming for my church events, I have been facing a long battle within myself of fear of don’t know what – rejection? paiseh-ness (sometimes don’t know what to say or share really)?. 2007 is a Year of Victory, which God has promised. Pastor shared that in order to have victory, we need to enter into battle. And the one thing that is required of us is to step out in faith. So simple hor, but I tell you it is not -- at least for me. But the most challenging one was the first time that I had to bless my parents aloud and face-to-face during the 100K Blessings in July this year.
Boy, it was tough for me to open my mouth to invite my parents, especially my Dad to come. Perhaps, it's because I simply assumed that I still know my parents well, and in my heart and mind I can already foresee what would his reply and reaction be, and thus, I had a lot of reservations. I probably think too much liao. Anyway then, as the date of the event drew near and we needed to confirm the order of food and gifts, I signed up both my parents in faith.
That night, after blessing my parents once again, I felt that there was a change in our relationship, as if something between us has been removed. I believe this is only the beginning and there are more blessings to come.
Friday, December 21, 2007
My Name is "Blackie"
Talking about feasting, we had our admin lunch at the Straits Kitchen at Hyatt Hotel on Wednesday, 19 December. Lunch was good cos it's buffet serving local hawker delights. And we bump into Aunty Connie who brought her department there too.

Ate too much that afternoon and the new shoes that my mother-in-law gave were biting me, so I decided to have my bi-annual haircut. I hate going to the hairdresser, cos it's a 3-4 hours affair of washing, cutting, rebonding (this time round), colouring, treatment, blow dry and some minor trimming again. It's worst during festive period. I would usually give some excuse about rushing off to fetch my kids and then they'll get 2 helpers to colour and blowing my hair. However, this recent trip to the hairdresser was a nightmare and it broke my record of 4 hours. I sat from 4:30 to 10:00 pm -- a solid 5.5 hours. By 7:30 pm, I still haven't colour my hair and I was so traumatized that I decided to colour my hair all black, so that I need no go back to the hairdressing saloon to have "alps" of my head being touch up for a while. I was getting up from my chair every half an hour to stretch myself. I definitely got pins on my buttocks, cos I can't sit still, which also explains why I enjoy my events job lor.
And guess what is the first sentence that my husband said to me?
Gavin: Wah, so long ah, got buy my KFC burger or not?
Val: Yah, no $ to take cab, cos spent a bomb at the hairdressor liao.
(Ah! Now I finally managed to get his attention.)
Gavin: Oh, how's your haircut? Not much difference leh?
Val: I JUST rebonded my hair and colour my hair black.
Gavin: Oh I see.
Val: Never mind, go and eat your burger.
That night, I think my face was as black as my hair.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Christmas Candy House
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Different Perspectives = Miscommunication

There are many interpretations.
Is it an interpreter issue?
A perspective issue?
The wrong adverbs?
It's a miracle anyone understands anyone.
Words excerpted from http://www.loneprairie.net/
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
2007- A Bountiful Year of Piglets
Mar: Gina (Gila) + Erik = Shayna Seah
Aug: Kristy (Colleague) + James = Kieron Ang
Sep: Jason (Gavin's cousin) + Sally = Isabella Ang
Nov: Connie (Cell group) + Boong Seng = Daniel
Nov: Verene (Colleague) + Jacky = Shirlyn Yow
Nov: Henry (Colleague) + Judy = Kelly Kwan
Nov: Val Hea (Gila) + Jacob = Aaron + Asher Kong (yah, twins!)
Jan: Rebekah (Cell group) + Chin Hsiung = Danielle
Jan: Meiyih (Cell group) + Lip Keong = Matthew
And of course, the hot topic for conversation these days has been baby talk. Which is why, one automatically promote to "aunty" level after giving birth, cos suddenly all our conversation suddenly focus on one thing -- our children. And then it snowballed to bitch about in-laws, maids and even husbands. Hehe.. I'm guilty of that too.
But seriously, sometimes, I wonder what would the single friends amongst us feel, when we keep on blabbering about kids and nothing else. What happen to those good old topics about last night's TV show, the new/interesting experiences, sharing of good tidings, or even the boring current events? I think I need a system to remind myself to zip up, especially among single friends, and try not to end up being sucked into the conversation about children. Please feel free to show me the boring look, or tell me straight off in the face (if I still don't get your hint) to change it from Kids Central channel to Arts Central or even Channel "yoU". I would rather you tell me bluntly, than to loose your friendship.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Worship or Workout?
I should have known that it's not just purely a dry run of going through the workship songs and it's actions, but making the practice as if it's the live worship itself. We are jumping and prancing around singing to the "I want more, more more" song -- a high energy song. And I think it looked more like a mass aerobic workout session than a praise and worship session. And guess what, I came in my hispter pants without a belt -- big mistake -- I had to pull my pants after each song... how edifying :P And later, we had our arm biceps and triceps training, when we had to lift our arms straight and wave from the right to the left for about 5 minutes or so. This morning, I woke up feeling the aftermath of it. Boy, no need to sign up for any fitness memberships, just join church chorale can liao!
But I must say the presence of the Lord was so strong and everyone was soaked into the praise worship, expressing our joy and worship to the Lord. It's really a privilege stand on the stage to lead the congregation in worship and draw them into the God's presence. As what Pastor Joe Kum says, we are all worship leaders. May God be exalted in our worship.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
But, today I have ordered food from another caterer. So as usual, the events team started wondering for alternatives for lunch. If you were to see the spread that we have catered for the conference and then see us eating something else instead. But we couldn't help, cos we eat catered food almost twice a month. I bet they must be wondering either the catered food is not tasty, or the events team must be something wrong up there.

Monday, November 19, 2007
Are 2 Heads Really Better Than One?
So "Are 2 heads really better than one?"
I mean more feedback is good because you have more options, but there should be only one decision-maker. However, being in the Asian context, great ideas often become compromise(s). And I'm guilty of that because everybody contributes. Either that, if I insist I would be called "too domineering". Aiyoh, very kan-kor cho lang!

- No conclusion.
- And lastly, assuming that someone else will take care of the matter; or better still -- the problem will disappear into the thin air.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Finally, BROADBAND for me
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
My First Parking Summon
But today, it's a really a stupid mistake on my part, but what's more STUPID is that I innocently went up to that woman warden, who was 5 cars away that I did put a coupon and it's still within the time period. Then, she gave me a straight-face answer, "Look at your date." Alamark! Luckily, she charged me for having an expired coupon from the one that I use during lunch. $20 can buy 2 $1 booklets or 4 $0.50 booklets leh!
Does appeal works? But I guess it's no use going through the hassle. Just take it as paying for a valuable lesson.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Spider Pig

Here's the conversation this morning.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
TIPS: Climb Stairs Without Feeling Tired
Here’s a tip on climbing stairs or slope without straining your thigh muscles. Use your hands to lift your butts, so that the effort will be spread out evenly between the upper and lower thigh muscles. This action will even propel one to move forward-and-upward - with ease!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Saturday, October 13, 2007
"Just Use 5% of Your Brain!"
However, this year should be expectional and actually, I am expecting catered food as she just recovered from a surgery. Some of her guests were expecting a heavily-head-bandaged Shalini to be receiving us. Oh man! She scared the hell out of us, when we heard that she needs to go for a major head operation to unblock an artery up in her head. Instead, the doctor pumped titanium through her abdomen and it was supposed to travel up to her brain. Now you know if she ignores -- don't be surprised -- cos she now has a rather expensive head.
Shalini's in-famous tagline is "Just use 5% of your brain-- you idiot / for goodness sake!". After our meetup, I can gladly confirmed that her 5% is still intact. It is still the same old Shalini.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Operation White Ankle
This morning, The Flying Dutchman from Class 95 was reporting on "Operation White Ankle" along Telok Blangah Road towards Pasir Panjang Road. And it had Glenn Ong in stitches, as he noticed that the Flying Dutchman has very "white" ankles, and was teasing the white Caucasian man for a solid 5 minutes.
But I find the code rather amusing! At first, I thought that the police are stopping the cars to spot check on drivers/drug traffickers for any hidden sachets of white stuff strapped to their ankles! I can't imagine, what they would come up next -- "Operation White Underwear"?
On the sideline -- remember those army mobalisation codes that were being flashed on while our favourite TV programs were shown, especially on Saturday afternoons. Most of the codes were weird too.
Ok, back to what I wanna say. Later on, someone called in and actually asked what does "Operation White Ankle" means. The DJs clarified that as long as you hear "Operation something... something..." it means to drive within the speed limit. Ah! Now we know?
But I then again, I have yet another burning question. If the traffic police is keen on nabbing those who speed, then what for warn people right? To save the trees by issuing less traffic tickets? How noble!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Botox for Spongbob Square Pants
While unpacking my handbag and I came across this BOTOX brochure, which I picked up 2 weeks ago, while waiting to see the doctor. Nothing to do, so pick up something to read mah!
No, no, muah not going for Botox (yet). But I just wanna share this piece of shocking information about becoming/having a square face.

I didn’t know that eating my favourite “jiu hee” will overdevelop muscles in my jawline. Luckily, our government banned chewing gum, if not I sure kanna a right angle 90° face like Spongebob Square Pants!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Today Is My 9th Wedding Anniversary!
My husband always says “lao fu lao qi” no need to celebrate lah! However, most of the time, we did remember in one way or another. Better late than never, right? I always have to remind myself that I married a very practical man.
We would just meet up for a meal, but not the big hoo ha celebration type lah! Our favourite food is the mee hoon kway at Bendeemer hawker centre, which we have been patronizing since our pak-tor days.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Whose Next?
A week long update.
Just as I was feeling a bit better, one by one, the rest of my family fell sick lor!
Joel was the second victim to be down with fever on Saturday, followed by Gavin with a throbbing headache on Sunday.
Monday, 24 September was Joel’s 4th birthday. Actually, I pre-ordered a Thomas Train cake for him to celebrate with his friends in school. However, he was still sick, so only managed to just invite MIL & SIL to celebrate with him at home. This is the second consecutive year that he didn’t get to celebrate it in school, as he contracted chicken pox during his birthday last year.
Was stucked the whole of Tuesday at home with Joel – and I mean literally STUCK! You simply can't do anything else, unless the TV is on. The 2 hours spent playing Lego with him was so draining on my energy (I mean of my creative juice) – like kanna being squeezed through the sugar cane juice machine. He commanded me to build all sort of motor vehicles. And when he finally slept, I too was knocked out.
Ah! Finally I was able to get back to work on Wednesday to clear the backlog of emails. Then, it was Bryan’s turn to fall ill. Wah lau eh! 4 days away from office already, just went back for a day and then still got to take another 2 days off again! I still got deadlines to clear, man!
So decided to bring Bryan in to office to work on Thursday. Also, the dialup to internet at home is really crawling like snail mail. Yah, aku still using DIALUP! Luckily, my office is quite flexible with that (or am I just assuming only).
Today, is a busy day. Felt like a taxi driver.
After having fetch Joel to school, then Gavin, who is late for work and lastly Bryan to mum’s place, who was helping me babysitting for a day.
The moment I reach mum’s place, I slumped right into the sofa. Somehow, there's no place like home, where I had lived the last 2o over years. Mum offered me some milk, as the stress is making my stomach very hungry. Catch up a little with mum. As I started to share with her my stress and frustration, tears started to well up in my eyes uncontrollably.
Rushed back to office cleared some email, before running some errands and hotel site visits. Luckily, my colleagues pitied me and suggested taking taxi there. Phew, no need me to drive!
Went back campus to pick up the car to fetch Joel. Then drop off Joel and the packed dinner to Gavin, who is the latest fever victim. Then, mum called to say that Bryan wanted to come back home instead of staying overnight. So off to mum's place again and grab some dinner with dad and mum. And finally managed reached home at 8:15 pm only. By then, someone was in PMS mood liao because of that pesky Joel.
I am so tired. Going to sleep now.
Friday, September 21, 2007
What a Week!
My immune system has been pretty low this week, as I had been running around fetching the kids here and there under the humid and hot weather. Yah, blame it on the weather. No wonder I can connect very well to picture of toilet rolls flying in the sky last week.
My husband had just started work this week and I am now in-charge of fetching the kids to and fro from school. Luckily, I picked up driving again last year when Gavin hurt his hand and could not drive. It’s a blessing in disguise, as he had no choice but to let me use his car…haha.
Driving is great! Firstly, no need to climb up the slope to campus each morning; and can also get to eat lunch other than the school’s canteen, which doesn’t even serve the basic food of chicken rice and/or fishball noodles! I’m okay with driving, except for parking lah, which I have improved from 3 empty parking lots, to 2 and now to 1 lot...hehe. And, please don’t ask me to park at any of the shopping centres in Orchard Road at the moment. And you know what? - driving comes with “responsibilities” – I mean errands and safety.
Every morning, I will have to fetch Joel to school and then have to wait with him for his form teacher to come. He’s got his mood swings at least once a week. In the afternoon, it’s time again to fetch Bryan from his primary school at Queenstown to the childcare centre at Ghim Moh, then grab a quick lunch. And I dread evening most. After fetching Joel first from Kent Ridge and picked Bryan up during the evening peak hours and only managed to reach home at around 7 pm. Thank goodness, Gavin helps to pick up dinner on his way back.
And the best is, I am very “lucky” to kanna whatever that driver fears about driving. The car battery went flat on the second day at the car park near Bryan school and I had to call upon AA to come and change battery and since it just happened at my hands, so I decided to pay for it. My husband thought it could last till Monday when he next service his car. But luckily, the car didn’t stall in the middle of the road. And on Wednesday, the ass of my car accidentally kissed the lip of another car at the car park, but twice lucky, God’s hands is upon me. The scratch on both our cars is erasable with a piece of wet tissue and the other owner is not around - PHEW! Must pray hard each day, man!
It’s not even passed 1 week of driving and I almost down and out physically, but then can’t raise my white flag of surrender…. Must reciprocate his efforts, so that he can work in peace and I also need to prove to him that he can leave the kids with me. That’s the life of a 2-income parents with young kids. Hope that didn’t put the parents-to-be off. It’s just part and parcel of life, which will mould us to be a stronger and better person. If not for my kids, I think I just continue to be the “small woman” or have the “damsel in distress” look.
As for now, have to just pray fervently to God and draw strength for him for another 2 months before Bryan’s school holidays start; safety and protection while driving; and lastly for time management.
Ah, now feeling better after blogging it, which can be so therapeutic. Hopefully, I can continue my writing in the months to come. And to be able to look back at the end of the year and to declare that I am an overcomer!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
It's Appraisal Time!
Writing a self-appraisal can be rather stressful. I had spent some hours last week and the whole day of yesterday selling “ko-yok”! In the end, I submitted a 7-page long report listing down my job duties and a whole lot of 80+ events. On top of that, there was another 10 over pages of thank-you notes and whatever supporting documents that I can find.
Somehow those cheesy advertisements from http://www.mocca.com/ have rubbed on me, especially the tag line – Search, Buy, Sell & Connect - Search through the Institute’s web for the list of events that we’ve organized. Buy lunch for Barina …. must “fan” her a bit you know :P but luckily she is on training course. Sell “koyok” and making my job duties and achievements known -- no shame at all hor!? Connect with my inner self to reflect beyond the activities, but also looking at the people behind the scenes.
And as I looked back, every year the number of events seems to be escalating. And it’s only when we started compiling the list that we began to look back how the year has been – 2 words – FAST and FURIOUS. However, it has been a joy working with Barina, Barlyson and Banana (the only thorn among the roses). We called ourselves Team Synergy.

The other person that I always thank in my heart, but often not verbally -- is my husband -- who has allow me to go all the way out to work in confidence and in peace. He has put his job search on whole for more than a year and occasionally doing some part-time jobs, so that he can be there for the kids and to manage the family and the household chores. Boy, it’s not an easy task. It takes a lot discipline. I would probably be lazying around, which is what I usually do on Saturday. Once I see the bed, my body goes “lembek”. And if you ask me to stay home to be a full-time “Ah Soh”, I think I’ll go mad first
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
I’m usually quite alert but this time don’t know why damn “naïve”. How come I didn’t smell any rat! Must be losing too much blood from under there! First, Rina tricked me to join them to Concourse to buy party stuff for Rina’s children day party which does not exist at all. While I was shopping for Joel’s birthday party packs, they secretly bought the deco stuff.
In the evening, my jogging kaki said that they got last minute plans thus can’t join Uncle Henry and me for our jogging series. And since I had missed 2 weeks of jogging due to Ah Kit’s farewell bash and Comex, I really felt that I need to continue without them cos getting a bit flabby these days. Usually, Uncle Henry will scold us upside down for missing and we would give the silly excuses such “Big Aunty Come” and whether if he needs verification … hehe; or would pray for rain (now you know why if it rains on Thursday!). But this time Uncle didn’t even open his gap.
When I came back from my jog, I was surprised to see Alyson around in the office and even commented that she should join us as we managed to finish our run early. At the turn after the mail box, I saw that the green balloons all over my cubicle… and some resemble coconuts trees … so sweet of them to plan a birthday surprise for me.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Dream on - Dream Away
Should I Perm My Hair?

First, I wanna thank my celebrity makeup artist, Hen Ree, who has about 18 years of experience in the makeup world. Secondly, I wanna thank my photographer, Theo who has rummaged her whole house to obtain this cover (shot) for me.
Kam siah! I love you all.
Hmm... now it really makes me wonder if I should go and perm my hair?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
BASH Beauties

It all started with Aly and her Cleopatra hairstyle lah. This is the last of a 3 part series for the National Day celebrations and they have been named the BASH Beauties by the way. Here's the orginal version.

L-R: Jeanette Aw, Fiona Xie & Rui En
The "Orginally Fake" BASH Beauties
L-R: Barlalee, Balyson & Barina
Use your imagination
Beautiful, Authentic, Street-smart& Humourous
Somehow, we knew that Barina should be Rui En cos that shade of blue is her favourite colour. And I can be super-imposed into that green dress, which is so Barlalee. However, didn't manage to get the cover for Jeanette Aw's issue.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Auld Lang Syne to Ah Kit
The so-called PSBC (Pa Si Buay Chow) Old Bird Club decided to give him a farewell bash. By the way, the minimum criteria to be enrolled into the birdie club is at least 3 years of working experience at the “you-know-where”! Amongst us, are some who have migrated to other departments and also those who seen the world…I mean Singapore and come back....Hmm, I wondered what's the drawing power. Those inside are trying to get out, those outside are trying to get in.
We had an alfresco dinner at the Al Hamra Lebanese & Middle East Restaurant at Holland Village while relinquishing the good old times (actually bitching) about former staff and also what’s currently happening at our office. How can we not talk about the still single and available TD and her timely “period” announcement. And Yati had us roaring with laughter with the impersonation of Ed Mc.’s wife, except without the one tonne hairspray.
We had a good time actually, till the shocking and embarrassing saga, which makes us think twice about going there so soon again.
First came the rain, so it had everyone scrambling for shelter. I thought it's still manageable as there were only 7 of us. I had a similiar wind blowing experience last year at the Tourism Conference, whereby we were hosting dinner for 40-50 conference participants and SUDDENLY it was poured heavily.
However, that's not the main highlight of the night. The saga came after everyone’s had finished their meals and Theo did the honour of presenting the farewell gift to Ah Kit. SUDDENLY, Yati, Connie and myself, who sat at the opposite side of the table started screaming our lungs out and we literally jumping out from our seats. To our horror, there was a fat, juicy lizard on/in the transparent Crumpler plastic bag containing the present. The 3 of us detest lizards the most. But Lynn as usual, is as cool as cucumber! So we had the staff at the restaurant running out to see what’s the commotion. Before we knew it, we had just invited a huge audience peering from inside the restaurant, and also from the restaurants next door and NYDC from across the street. I tell you the 3 of us can easily hit a high decibel of 100 decibel when combined. Luckily, it was pouring heavily last night, or else it could have been worse. They might even called a bomb squad for the fear of that it could be another Bali-look-a-like bomb case. Haha! But you should see Ah John & Ah Kit”s embarrassed and pissed face and they kept on asking us to sit down. SIT! GALS! SIT! At least, we got to see Ah Kit’s pissed face one last time. It used to be as black as last night’s dark clouds.
I must say his PMS has improved quite a lot from the last time, cos he was constantly surrounded by his nasty but friendly colleagues...hehe. His cubby hole was sandwiched between Yati and myself at our former office, and we would always eavesdrop into his conversations and would then roared in laughter even before he even finished his conversation. I still remembered one instance, when he was decoding a certain word and then it goes “… A for Australia, R for Russia and K for KANGAROO!” (hehe.. I’m still couldn’t help letting out a giggle, as I was typing this.)
We also had fond memories of watching Korean dramas during lunch time and would try very hard to control our tears over those silly brother-cannot-love-sister plot. Ah!. that was the beginning of the Korean Wave, so that was how long we have known each other. The 3 of us are like brothers (yeah, he never treat us like gals) and we click on very well cos we have the same frequency and most of the time we need not elaborate further to understand the full conversation. Yati and I used to be very innocent and demure, until he came and corrupt us. We often joined him at ogling at gals and would elbow him when we see any chio bu. I think Ah Kit is gonna kill me now for spilling the beans. Anyway, all the best wishes to you Ah Kit, at your new found turf of greener and sweeter grass! And remember to enjoy the “flowers” too. Just a gentle reminder that we still have an ongoing sign-for-life contract as my IT consultant for all sort of electrical gadgets! Don't worry, I will be in touch!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Are You "Young" Enough for Fireworks?

Okie back to what I wanna say…. I came across this quote from MM LEE KUAN YEW on how Singapore has changed.
“[Fireworks are] a few minutes of joy… why do you burn this [when] you can build a community club? That’s my generation. It’s hard-earned money. But this is what they [the new generation] want. They want the excitement.”
Hmm…don’t know whether to cry or not. Firstly, there goes my $. Secondly, I think I’m really old liao, cos I find myself agreeing with him..…hehe…as if I frequently patronized the community club like dat.
Like any Singaporeans, who’s got nothing else better to do during the weekend, so I brought my boys to see the fireworks and of course, to make my money worthwhile. I think everyone must have the same thoughts, as we saw throngs of people heading down towards from Raffles Place to Fullerton Hotel. So we decided to take a left turn towards UOB Plaza to avoid the crowd. So we hung around at the MacDonalds at Boat Quay.
BAD CHOICE! We waited till about 9:30 pm (but it was stated that it will be starting at 9 pm), before catching a glimpse of the fireworks and it was really A GLIMPSE, cos we were being blocked by Fullerton Hotel. We didn’t even wait for the whole fireworks celebration to finish and started heading back. However, the younger boys did enjoy themselves, except for the long walk back to our car, which was parked at Hong Lim Complex.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Is There A Stupid Question?
Thursday, August 16, 2007
'Tao hu' Legs

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I Had My Big “Os” Today!
And what are you thinking of?
Hehe…it’s actually the second time that I'm sinking my teeth into those “branded” donuts. Frankly speaking, I don’t think I would ever have the patience to queue for hours for those fad donuts. The most is 15 minutes for my favourite laksa yong tau hu at the NUS Arts Canteen.
The one at the basement of Raffles City is rather “drama” – I heard one’s got to queue for hours. Is that the Donut Factory? Many times, I have been misled by the short queue, only to find out that there are part 2 and part 3 to the queue. There was once when I bypassed that place and found out that there was a short queue, but then it was almost 8.30 pm and there were only 2 of the not-so-popular flavours left.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
My Cubby Hole

Erh.. this remind me of my new found interest that is to keep myself slim and trim to fit into my cubby hole. I'm hoping to start jogging weekly at the Botanical Gardens, which is down at our backyard -- not my house, but office lah-- although my house is only a 10-minute drive away from Orchard Road. By the way, that was what Gavin "presented" himself to me, when we were pak-tor-ing. Come to think of it, Queenstown also can lah. Quite a good value in the HDB resale market right now.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Techie or tacky ?
Somehow, this blogging thingy is getting me hooked... at least for the time being. Like all my electronic gadgets, I get very excited about them in the beginning and after that it gets drown in the daily routine.
I'm actually quite a techie gal, which is very much influenced by my dad. I remembered we are one of the lucky few who got an Apple computer (the monochrome screen monitor which was joined to the CPU and keyboard) . Anyway, we only played with the games most of the time. Talk about portability! I think God not only heard our prayers for something lighter, but HE also got my dad to buy us the "Popeye" and "Chief" game consoles.
Alright, alright, confession time. Actually, both my dad and I are not really that "techie" sort. It's just that we simply love buying new gadgets, but somehow we didn't fully utilise the full features of the products.
Hmm...I'm just trying hard to remember what I have splurged on over the past 10 years... actually not much, cos it's using my own money... hehe. So far, I've bought a laptop, a printer, 2 external hard disks, 3 thumbdrives, a digital camera, 2 handphones 3 PDAs with my 4th being a combination of both a phone and PDA -- a Dopod 838.
I haven't got an iPod yet, cos I've got 2 mini stereos with surround sound system in the car and everywhere in the house. Yeah, you got it right -- it's my very own BJ -- not Bens & Jerrys, but Bryan & Joel. Thus, I really cherish the peace that I have most of the time! So no need for that at the moment, BUT I don't mind if someone is to give me one! * hint* !!
Now you know why my "weekday" handbag always weighs like a sack of rice! Besides the usual wallet with 10 or so credit cards, key pouch, umbrella, glasses, tissue paper and of course my Dopod 838 , I often carry my digital camera, an external hard disk, 2 thumb drives, a book/magazine, lipstick, sanitary pads, Tiger balm oil, sweets and occasionally a water bottle. I think I need a bag with wheels!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Yes, I'm Lazy
It was actually my sis, Jas who is so "encouraging". She creates this blog account for me with the heading - DON'T BE LAZY. Thanks, hor!
Seriously, I hate writing! So don't expect me to write grandma stories or blog religiously. I'm a believer of "a picture speaks a thousand words", so you know what to expect from me huh!
Alyson just commented that hopefully it will not be my first and last :P